This is how it all started
It all began because TaMeisha simply wanted to create a “professionally” decorated cake her twins' 1st birthday party that everyone would enjoy eating. She's always been an avid baker, but this would prove to be a serious challenge. The twins were allergic to milk, soy, and legumes, while their best friend and cousin was allergic to eggs and nuts. She wanted everyone to be safe while enjoying life “out of the bubble” for the two hours that the party was going on.
With that goal in mind, for six months she tested recipes while reading though cookbooks, textbooks on pastry, textbooks on chocolate, and even food science books. She diligently called and wrote manufacturers to ensure foods were safe, inquired on their testing procedures, and finally figured out what “may contain …”, “artificial flavors”, and “natural flavors”, and “processed in a facility that contains...” meant for each product. When she found safe, allergy friendly food products, she even wrote manufacturers to thank them and tell them to keep their current formulations. After successfully tweaking recipes from various places, she decided to ”put the icing on the cake” and take a cake decorating class at the local arts & crafts store. Next thing you know the game was on, she was making cakes, cookies, or cupcakes for someone almost weekly, and begging and pleading with my friends and family to allow her to make sweets for them.
She just could not stop decorating cakes! She was dreaming of ideas for cakes nightly, she was going to cake conventions, buying cool cake tools and books left and right, and even joined the International Cake Exploration Societé (ICES). Then she started getting requests from everyone cakes. People who didn't even have food allergies thought they were delicious and beautiful. Meanwhile, rainy day funds were diminishing. She had not returned to her day job because it was too risky to put the kids in daycare, and so she decided to start a business to finance her new found habit.
And that was how Out of the Bubble Bakery, LLC was born!
Thank you for letting us make your family gatherings, birthday parties, anniversaries, baby showers, bridal showers, school events, weddings, and other celebrations super special and worry-free.